

Urban Studies UrbanStudies 城市研究 2023-11-10


Urban Studies 每年投稿量为1000多篇,每年发表16期,共180篇论文左右。由于稿件量大,文章从接收到正式出版周期较长,因此编辑部会在稿件接收排版后的第一时间在网上发布论文全文 (Online First) 。"论文快递" 栏目将同步推出网上刊登的最新论文,方便读者了解Urban Studies的最新动态,敬请关注!

本期为“论文快递”栏目的第七十七期,将介绍Urban Studies的5篇论文,主题涵盖哥本哈根和汉堡的城市更新项目与企业家主义治理、英国1945年后的城市管理主义、土地使用管制对低收入社区绅士化的影响、中国城市的国际学校的(去)领地化,以及人力资本差异与城市规模分布等欢迎阅读。


Developing urban growth and urban quality: Entrepreneurial governance and urban redevelopment projects in Copenhagen and Hamburg


Jürgen Bruns-Berentelg(德国汉堡港城)

Luise Noring(丹麦哥本哈根商学院)

Adam Grydehøj(浙江大学)



This paper considers the cases of urban redevelopment at waterfront and brownfield sites in Copenhagen (Denmark) and Hamburg (Germany) to explore how two municipal governments have pursued divergent kinds of entrepreneurial governance, even as they have aimed to create similar kinds of new-build neighbourhoods. Copenhagen and Hamburg have both engaged in large-scale speculative development projects, simultaneously raising urban land values and adding urban public good. The cities follow a long tradition of using land value capture to raise funds for municipal activities, yet their scopes of action and tools for achieving progress have been shaped by local economic and political conditions. Although both cities began redevelopment at similar kinds of sites in the 1990s, Copenhagen’s municipal government was relatively impoverished, while Hamburg’s municipal government was relatively wealthy. As a result, even though both cities deployed state-owned enterprises (SOEs) and revolving funds models to reinvest revenues in future development, they possessed different potential strategies for increasing intercity competitiveness: Copenhagen’s immediate aim in redeveloping its Ørestad and harbour districts was to fund a citywide mass transit system and thereby enhance competitiveness through infrastructure development, while Hamburg sought to use its HafenCity waterfront redevelopment to boost competitiveness through port modernisation, increased in urban quality and commercial expansion in the city centre. By comparing these two cases, we can better understand the contingent nature of entrepreneurial governance and urban redevelopment processes.


本文以丹麦哥本哈根和德国汉堡的滨水区和旧城区的城市再开发为例,探讨两个市政府如何实行不同类型的创业主义治理,尽管他们的目标是创建类似的新建社区。哥本哈根和汉堡都开展了大型投机性开发项目,这些项目同时提高了城市土地价值并增加了城市公共产品。这些城市遵循利用土地价值获取为市政建设筹集资金的悠久传统,但它们的行动范围和取得进展的工具则是由当地的经济和政治条件决定的。尽管这两个城市在20世纪90年代开始在类似的地点进行再开发,但哥本哈根市政府相对贫困,而汉堡市政府相对富裕。因此,尽管两个城市都实施了国有企业和循环基金模式,将收入再投资于未来的发展,但它们在提高城市竞争力方面则实施了不同的潜在战略:哥本哈根重建其奥雷斯塔德 (Ørestad) 和港口区的近期目标是为全市公共交通系统提供资金,从而通过基础设施发展提高竞争力,而汉堡则试图利用其哈芬西提滨水区 (HafenCity) 的再开发,通过港口现代化、提高城市品味和市中心的商业扩张来提高竞争力。通过比较这两个案例,我们可以更好地理解创业主义治理和城市再开发过程中的偶然性。


governance, housing, local government, planning, redevelopment/regeneration, state-owned enterprises, urban growth


治理, 住房, 地方政府, 规划, 再开发/更新, 国有企业, 城市发展



Actually existing managerialism: Planning, politics and property development in post-1945 Britain


Alistair Kefford(荷兰莱顿大学)



This article engages a long-established paradigm within urban studies: that of the transition from managerialism to entrepreneurialism in late 20th-century urban governance and the associated process of neoliberalisation. It begins from a fundamental intellectual problem; although we are well served with studies of urban entrepreneurialism and neoliberalism, we know surprisingly little of the detailed workings of the ‘pre-neoliberal’, managerial era from the 1940s to the 1970s. In the absence of sustained investigation of this period, many chronologies and critiques of urban transformation rest upon a set of assumptions which – as this article shows – are not always accurate. The article focuses upon Britain, tracing the installation of a modern planning regime in the 1940s and surveying some key features of the UK urban redevelopment regime as it evolved over the ensuing decades. It shows that much of what is held to be paradigmatic of neoliberal urbanism (public–private partnerships, urban entrepreneurialism, financialisation) was already powerfully present within British urbanism in the earlier, managerial era. I highlight in particular the dramatic post-war rise of the UK property development industry, and the new urban forms and norms it generated, as a key product of the era of urban managerialism in Britain. I relate these surprising findings to Britain’s distinctive history and political economy but I also advance arguments that are of wider relevance; around the nature and aims of governance from the 1940s to the 1970s, and how we should best conceptualise and explain processes of neoliberalisation.




built environment, development, finance, financialisation, heritage, history, memory, neoliberalisation, planning, urban managerialism


建筑环境, 开发, 金融, 金融化, 遗产, 历史, 记忆, 新自由主义, 规划, 城市管理主义




The influence of land use regulation on the probability that low-income neighbourhoods will gentrify


Susane Leguizamon(美国西肯塔基大学)

David Christafore(美国蒙大拿州立大学)



The divergence in housing price growth in the US in coastal cities relative to inland cities has been thought to occur, in large part, due to severe housing regulations and restrictions on development. Researchers have posited that this trend implies that these heavily regulated cities are experiencing higher incidences of gentrification. However, the gentrification of lower-income communities may be negatively influenced by restrictive regulations rather than positively, as is the case with overall housing price growth. This may occur if restrictions make it more difficult to improve housing structures and engage in new housing projects. We use data from over 12,000 census tracts to analyse the relationship between land use regulations and the probability an area will undergo gentrification in the years 2000 to 2010. By separating the influence of higher levels of regulation on overall housing price growth from the likelihood that a lower-income neighbourhood will gentrify, we find that regulation has opposing forces. While increased levels of regulation are associated with an almost 10% greater increase in overall housing prices, they are also associated with a three to four percentage-point lower probability that a lower-income tract will experience gentrification, contrary to previous conclusions.




displacement, gentrification, housing, land use, local government, policy


驱逐, 绅士化, 住房, 土地使用, 地方政府, 政策




The (de)territorialised appeal of international schools in China: Forging brands, boundaries and inter-belonging in segregated urban space


Lily Kong(新加坡管理大学)

Orlando Woods(新加坡管理大学)

Hong Zhu(广州大学)



This paper considers how the (de)territorialised appeal of international schools in China can reflect, enforce and expand pre-existing patterns of urban segregation. Whilst exploration of the effects of educational marketplaces on urban environments has become a focus of scholarly research, the recent expansion in the supply of, and demand for, international education has caused these effects to become more nuanced. As (de)territorialised entities, international schools can cause multiple forms of spatial and psycho-social distinction and (dis)association to become intertwined, the effects of which start from the school and radiate out from there. International schools can therefore cause segregation to become a structurally entrenched phenomenon. These ideas are illustrated through an empirical examination of three international schools located in the eastern Chinese city of Suzhou. We explore the ways in which these schools are branded spaces that reproduce socio-spatial boundaries and thus foster a (de)territorialised sense of inter-belonging amongst their students.




(de)territorialisation, China, inter-belonging, international schools, segregated urban space


领土化, 中国, 相互归属, 国际学校, 隔离的城市空间




Human capital divergence and the size distribution of cities: Is Gibrat’s law obsolete?


Daniel Broxterman(美国佛罗里达州立大学)
Anthony Yezer(美国乔治华盛顿大学)



This article studies how the changing geographic distribution of skilled workers in the US affects theoretical models that use Gibrat’s law to explain the size distribution of cities. In the empirical literature, a divergence hypothesis holds that college share increases faster in cities where college share is larger, and a growth hypothesis maintains that the rate of city population growth is also directly related to initial college share. Examining the divergence hypothesis, the classic test for Gibrat’s law is shown to be a test for 𝛽β-convergence. Testing shows that there has been absolute, not relative, divergence in human capital since the 1970s. However, the combination of even absolute divergence and the growth hypothesis is shown to violate the condition that a city’s population growth is independent of its size. Additional testing finds that the relation between college share and city growth is concave rather than monotonic. These results imply that stochastic growth models can survive the challenge posed by divergence in the distribution of human capital.


本文研究了美国技术工人地理分布的变化如何影响使用吉布拉特定律 (Gibrat’s law) 解释城市规模分布的理论模型。在实证文献中,差异假说认为大学份额在大学份额较高的城市增长较快,而增长假说认为城市人口增长率也与大学初始份额直接相关。通过考察差异假说,吉布拉特定律的经典检验被证明是对b-收敛的检验。测试表明,自20世纪70年代以来,人力资本的差异是绝对的,而不是相对的。然而,甚至绝对差异和增长假说的结合也被证明违反了城市人口增长与其规模无关的条件。额外的测试发现大学份额和城市增长之间的关系是凹面的而不是划一的。这些结果表明,随机增长模型能够经受住人力资本分布差异带来的挑战。


divergence, Gibrat’s law, human capital, skill ratio, Zipf’s law


差异, 吉布拉特定律 (Gibrat’s law), 人力资本, 技能比率, 齐夫定律 (Zipf’s law)



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